DRS Automation Level and Migration Threshold

DRS migration threshold allows you to specify which recommendations are generated and then applied (when the virtual machines involved in the recommendation are in fully automated mode) or shown (if in manual mode). This threshold is also a measure of how much cluster imbalance across host (CPU and memory) loads is acceptable.

Migration threshold is a measure of how much cluster imbalance is acceptable based on CPU and memory loads. The slider is used to select one of five settings that range from the most conservative (1) to the most aggressive (5). The further the slider moves to the right, the more aggressive DRS will work to balance the cluster.

These threshold values determines which recommendations will be generated when DRS senses an imbalance of cluster. The Conservative setting generates only priority-one recommendations, the next level to the right generates priority-two recommendations and higher, and so on, down to the Aggressive level which generates priority-five recommendations.Read More

Configuring EVC in vSphere 6

The evolution of vSphere has forced the hardware vendors to add more enhanced functionalities in server hardware in order to bring the best out of virtualization.  Enhanced vMotion Compatibility comes into picture when a all Esxi hosts in a cluster are not identical i.e some hosts are from older generation and some from newer generations.

With time an environment grows and vSphere admins keep adding new Esxi hosts in a cluster as per virtual machine resource demands and this is when the mismatch occurs. When a cluster have Esxi hosts from different CPU generations, configuring EVC on cluster ensures that virtual machine migrations between hosts in the cluster do not fail because of CPU feature incompatibilities.

When EVC is enabled for a cluster, all hosts in that cluster are configured to present identical CPU features and ensure CPU compatibility for vMotion. The features presented by each host are determined by selecting a predefined EVC baseline.Read More

Configuring DPM in vSphere 6

What is vSphere Distributed Power Management (DPM)

Consolidation of physical servers into virtual machines that share host physical resources can result in significant reductions in the costs associated with hardware maintenance and power consumption.

vSphere Distributed Power Management provides additional power savings by dynamically consolidating workloads even further during periods of low resource utilization. Virtual machines are migrated onto fewer hosts and the unneeded ESX hosts are powered off. 

When a virtual machine is idle (after business hours) and Esxi host utilization is very low, vCenter suspends the server to save power and, when the workload warrants additional resources, resumes it. VMware DPM is an optional feature of VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).

How does DPM actually work?

When you enable DPM on a cluster, the vCenter Server can suspend an Esxi host when during period of low utilization, but bringing back that Esxi host back in business when resource demand increases can only be done by another Esxi host .Read More

Esxi Host Power Management Policies in vSphere 6

One of the advantages which virtualization brought with itself was “POWER SAVINGS” as it enabled administrators to consolidate workloads on fewer number of physical servers and thus save some power and reduce carbon footprint in the datacenter. Sunny Dua rightly mentioned in his blog that “Even before you start realizing the other benefits of virtualization, power bills is the first Opex savings which makes that return on investment on virtualization speak for itself”

Esxi can take advantage of several power management features that the host hardware provides to adjust the trade-off between performance and power use. One obvious question that comes in mind that if I can save more power by using the BIOS features and the hypervisor features to throttle down the CPU frequency, then why should not I go for it?

The answer for this is  “selecting a high-performance policy provides more absolute performance, but at lower efficiency (performance per watt).Read More

VCAP6-DCV Deploy Objective 4.1

Objective 4.1 of VCAP6-Deploy exam covers following topics:

  • Configure a HA Cluster to Meet Resource and Availability Requirements
  • Configure Custom Isolation Response Settings
  • Configure VM Component Protection (VMCP)
  • Configure HA Redundant Settings:
    • Management Network
    • Datastore Heartbeats
    • Network Partitions
  • Configure HA related Alarms and Analyze a HA Cluster
  • Configure Fault Tolerance for Single/Multi-vCPU Virtual Machines

We will have a look on these topics one by one

                             Configure a HA Cluster to Meet Resource and Available Requirements

vSphere HA provides high availability for virtual machines by pooling the virtual machines and the hosts they reside on into a cluster. Hosts in the cluster are monitored and in the event of a failure, the virtual machines on a failed host are restarted on alternate hosts. When HA is configured on a cluster, an election process takes place and master/slave host is determined via election.

The host which is elected as master host communicates with vCenter and monitors the state of all protected VMs and other hosts in the cluster.Read More

VCAP6-DCV Deploy Objective 8.1

Objective 8.1 of VCAP6-Deploy exam covers following topics:

  • Add/Edit/Remove Users on an ESXi Host
  • Configure vCenter Roles and Permissions
  • Configure and Manage Active Directory Integration
  • Analyze Logs for Security-Related Messages
  • Enable and Configure an ESXi Pass-Phrase
  • Disable the Managed Object Browser (MOB) to reduce attack surface

We will have a look on these topics one by one

                                            Add/Edit/Remove Users on an ESXi Host

The default built-in accounts that are baked with a new Esxi installation are:

  • root user: Each Esxi host has a single root user with an admin role. This account can be used for local administration and used to connect to vCenter.
  • vpxuser: vCenter Server uses this account when interacting with the hosts. vCenter Server has Administrator privileges on the host that it manages. The vCenter Server administrator can perform most of the same tasks on the host as the root user, however, he cannot directly create, delete, or edit local users and groups for hosts.
Read More

Password Policy for vSphere 6.0 Hosts

A complex password is a firstmost requirement for any system that simply uses username/password (no RSA, 2Factor authentication kinda thing) for authentication. For a windows or unix/linux based systems, system administrators used to push complex password requirements via AD/LDAP.

A complex password ensures that system is least vulnerable to any unauthorized attempt to login to your system and vSphere is no different than any other system in this regard. 

With release of vSphere 6, VMware enahnced their password policy and enforced to use more complex passwords with Esxi hosts and SSO. Esxi host enforces password requirements for direct access from the DCUI, Esxi Shell, SSH and vSphere web Client.  

ESXi uses the pam_passwdqc.so plug-in to set the password policy/rules. ESXi doesn’t place any complexity restrictions on the root account’s password. However, non-root accounts will be subject to the default rules defined in pam_passwdqc.so.

In previous release of vSphere, Esxi host password complexity changes were made by editing the /etc/pam.d/passwdRead More

Customize SSH and Esxi Shell Settings for Increased Security

The ESXi Shell provides access to maintenance commands and other configuration options. Esxi shell and SSH comes in handy when there are certain tasks that can’t be done through the Web Client or other remote management tools. 

Enabling local and remote shell access on Esxi hosts

Login to vSphere Web Client and select an Esxi host and navigate to Manage > Settings > Security Profile Services and click Edit

We can enable/dsable below services and also can change their start up method:

  • Direct Console UI
  • ESXi Shell
  • SSH

Enabling SSH or local shell through the DCUI.

Go to the console of the host. Press F2 and enter esxi host credentials.

Select Troubleshooting Options and hit Enter on each service you want to enable/disable.

Configuring the Timeout For the ESXi Shell

By default the timeout setting for the ESXi shell is set to disabled. The shell timeout setting allows you to specify how long an inactive session is left open.Read More

Enable and Configure ESXi Host Lockdown Mode

To enhance the security measures in a virtualized environment, it is often advisable to limit direct access to Esxi hosts and this is when lockdown mode concept comes into picture. Lockdown mode is used on Esxi hosts in order to improve security of the hosts which are centrally managed by vCenter server.

When the lockdown mode is enabled, the host is managed using the vSphere Client connected to the managing vCenter Server, VMware PowerCLI, or VMware vSphere Command-Line Interface (vCLI). The only difference is that access is authenticated through the vCenter Server instead of using a local account on the ESXi host.

When the lockdown mode is enabled, access to the host through SSH is unavailable except to configured exception users.

Lockdown mode in vSphere 6.0

With vSphere 6.0, VMware introduced a couple of new concepts into lockdown mode as listed below

  • Normal Lockdown Mode
  • Strict Lockdown Mode
  • Exception Users

Lets understand about these concepts one by one.Read More

Configure SSL Timeouts on Esxi Host

To authenticate against vCenter SSO, solution users uses certificates to establish a secure connection. A solution user presents the certificate to vCenter SSO in 3 cases:

  • When solution user authenticates against sso for very first time.
  • After a reboot, and
  • After a timeout has elapsed.

The timeout value can be set from the Web Client. The default value for this is 2592000 seconds (30 days). To change the default value, login to vSphere Web Client and navigate to  Administration > Single Sign-On > Configuration > Policies > Token Policy.

On few blogs I read the following steps for configuring ssl timeouts. 

We can configure SSL timeouts for ESXi by editing a configuration file on the ESXi host.

Timeout periods can be set for 2 types of idle connections:

1: The Read Timeout setting applies to connections that have completed the SSL handshake process with port 443 of ESXi.

2: The Handshake Timeout setting applies to connections that have not completed the SSL handshake process on port 443 of ESXi.Read More