Quick Tip- Cleanup Failed Tasks from SDDC Manager Dashboard in VCF

Tasks in VCF might fail because one or more subtasks within the primary task have failed. Some of these tasks are not retriable and remain in a lingering state in the SDDC Manager dashboard.

The command provided in this blog post will help you in clearing out such tasks from the dashboard.

Step 1: Fetch the failed task ID from the SDDC manager interface.

Click on the failed task and notice the URL change in the browser. The task id is displayed in the URL itself.

Make a note of the task id.

Alternatively, you can run the below API call directly from the SDDC Manager VM.

The output of this API call returns a list of the tasks. You can filter the failed tasks and get the task ID.

Step 2: Delete the failed task

Execute the below API call and it will delete the failed task from the SDDC Manager dashboard.Read More

Tip and Tricks for VCF Lab Deployment

In this post, I’ll go over a few tips/tricks that you may use throughout your VCF lab deployment to get the most out of this fantastic tool.

Tip 1: Bring down lab resource utilization

Most of us, I believe, use VCF as a nested lab, and because VCF requires a lot of computing power, this is one area that we struggle with. Because of the limited resources available, a full-fledged deployment is not always practicable. NSX-T nodes, in my experience, are the most problematic component. VCF deploys several NSX-T nodes and each NSX-T requires a lot of resources. 

You can limit the number of NSX-T nodes in both the management and workload domains by following the below instructions:

Step 1: SSH into SDDC Manager using the vcf user and switch to root user by running the command: su – root

Step 2: Modify application-prod.propertiesRead More

Quick Tip: Cleanup Unused Image Bundles in VCF

I recently downloaded the image bundles for vRealize components while working in my newly deployed VCF 4.4 environment, not realizing that SDDC Manager does not orchestrate the deployment of any vRealize suite component except the vRealize Suite Life-Cycle Manager. I came across a useful out-of-the-box SDDC Manager feature when looking for a way to clean out the unneeded image bundles.

The process outlined in this post will assist you in clearing out any partially downloaded image bundles or unnecessary bundles that SDDC Manager is not currently using. 

Step 1: SSH into SDDC Manager using the vcf user and switch to root user by running the command: su – root

Step 2: Grab the unwanted image bundle id from UI

Step3: Run the following command to clean up the unwanted bundle

where bundle_id is the Id of the unwanted bundle


Read More

Quick Tip: Deploy VCF Management Domain with Single NSX-T Node

This article will show you how to set up a VCF Management domain with just one NSX-T manager. When there is a resource constraint, such as in a lab environment, this suggestion will be useful for lowering the management domain footprint.

The below steps outline the process of deploying an SDDC with one NSX-T node.

Step 1: Fill in all the parameters in the VCF configuration workbook spreadsheet.

Step 2: Transfer the spreadsheet to the cloud builder VM using WinSCP or a similar utility. 

Step 3: Use the following command to convert the spreadsheet to the json format

Where VCF-4.4.xlsx is the name of my spreadsheet. Change the name of the file to reflect your environment.Read More

Layer 7 Ingress in vSphere with Tanzu using NSX ALB


vSphere with Tanzu currently doesn’t provide the AKO orchestration feature out-of-the-box. What I mean by this statement is that you can’t automate the deployment of AKO pods based on the cluster labels. There is no AkoDeploymentConfig that gets created when you enable workload management on a vSphere cluster and because of this, you don’t have anything running in your supervisor cluster to keep an eye on the cluster labels and take the decision of automated AKO installation in the workload clusters. 

However, this does not preclude you from using NSX ALB to provide layer-7 ingress for your workload clusters. AKO installation in a vSphere with Tanzu environment is done via helm charts and is a completely self-managed solution. You will be in charge of maintaining the AKO life cycle.

My Lab Setup

My lab’s bill of materials is shown below.

Component Version
NSX ALB (Enterprise) 20.1.7 
AKO 1.6.2
vSphere 7.0 U3c
Helm 3.7.4

The current setup of the NSX ALB is shown in the table below.Read More