The first two posts in this series covered CSE architecture and NSX ALB deployment/configuration. This post focuses on the steps taken by a service provider to set up a CSE deployment.
You can read the previous posts in this series by clicking on the links provided below.
1: CSE Introduction & Architecture
2: NSX Advanced Load Balancer Configuration & VCD Integration
At this time, it is assumed that the Service Provider has completed the following configurations in VCD:
- vCenter is registered in VCD.
- NSX-T is registered in VCD.
- A Geneve-backed network pool is created in VCD.
- Provider VDC has been created.
The service provider workflow for CSE deployment includes the following tasks:
- Import Tier-0 gateway/VRF that is created for CSE in NSX-T.
- Create an organization in VCD. This is a Service Provider managed organization that hosts the Container Service Extension server and any other extensions in the future. This is known as a Service/Solutions organization.