Quick Tip: How to Reset NSX ALB Controller for a Fresh Configuration

Sometimes NSX ALB controllers are frequently redeployed in the lab environment to test and retest setup. Redeploying an NSX ALB controller only takes a few minutes, but in a slow environment, it can take up to 20-25 minutes. Using this handy tip, you can save some quality time.

To reset a controller node to the default settings, login to the node over SSH and run the following command.

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TKG Multi-Site Global Load Balancing using Avi Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Operator (AMKO)


Load balancing in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (when installed with NSX ALB) is accomplished by leveraging Avi Kubernetes operator (AKO), which delivers L4+L7 load balancing to the Kubernetes API endpoint and the applications deployed in Tanzu Kubernetes clusters. AKO runs as a pod in Tanzu Kubernetes clusters and serves as an Ingress controller and load balancer.

The Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) function of NSX ALB enables load-balancing for globally distributed applications/workloads (usually, different data centers and public clouds). GSLB offers efficient traffic distribution across widely scattered application servers. This enables an organization to run several sites in either Active-Active (load balancing and disaster recovery) or Active-Standby (DR) mode.

With the growing footprint of containerized workloads in datacenters, organizations are deploying containerized workloads across multi-cluster/multi-site environments, necessitating the requirement for a technique to load-balance the application globally.

To meet this requirement, NSX ALB provides a feature called AMKO (Avi Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Operator) which is an operator for Kubernetes that facilitates application delivery across multiple clusters.Read More