Learning vSphere 6.5-Part-8-Understanding vCenter Server High Availability (VCHA)

In last post of this series learned how to External PSC for vCSA. In this post of vSphere 6.5 series, we will look into one of the best feature which is included in v 6.5 i.e high availability for vCenter Server.

If you have missed earlier post of this series, you can read them from below links:

1: Installing and Configuring Esxi

2: VCSA Overview

3: vCenter Server and PSC Deployment Types

4: System Requirements for Installing vCenter Server

5: Installing vCenter Server on Windows

6: Deploying vCSA with embedded PSC

7: Deploying External PSC for vCSA

Customers were demanding a lot for high availability solution for vCenter Server for quite some time and VMware listened to customers and made this happen in version 6.5 of vSphere.

What is vCenter High Availability (VCHA)?

vCenter High Availability (vCenter HA) protects vCenter Server Appliance against host and hardware failures. The active-passive architecture of the solution can also help you reduce downtime significantly when you patch vCenter Server Appliance.… Read More

Learning vSphere 6.5-Part-7-Deploying External PSC for vCSA

This is part 7 of the vSphere 6.5 learning series and in last part of this series we learned how to install vCSA with embedded PSC and touched on some basic settings which is needed to be done post deployment.

In this post we will learn how to deploy external PSC for vCSA. The goal here is to deploy external PSC first and then install vCSA which will use the external PSC.

If you have missed earlier post of this series, you can read them from below links:

1: Installing and Configuring Esxi

2: VCSA Overview

3: vCenter Server and PSC Deployment Types

4: System Requirements for Installing vCenter Server

5: Installing vCenter Server on Windows

6: Deploying vCSA with embedded PSC

In last post we discussed and saw how easy VMware has made deployment process of vCSA and the process has changed a bit. The steps needed to deploy external PSC is no different then what we learned in last post.… Read More

Learning vSphere 6.5-Part-6-Deploying vCSA with embedded PSC

In last post of this series we learnt how to install vCenter with embedded PSC on windows server.

In this post we will learn about deploying and configuring vCSA with embedded PSC.

If you have missed earlier post of this series, you can read them from below links:

1: Installing and Configuring ESXi

2: VCSA Overview

3: vCenter Server and PSC Deployment Types

4: System Requirements for Installing vCenter Server

5: Installing vCenter Server on Windows

In vSphere 6.5 VMware has made the installation of vCenter appliance a lot easier than before. Earlier, deployment of vCSA needed client integration plugin to be installed on your system and the deployment was done through a browser. Client integration plugin had multiple compatibility issues. Now with vSphere 6.5 client integration plugin is no longer required. The deployment is going to be via an ISO which would have an installation wizard that can be executed on Windows, MAC or Linux.… Read More

Learning NSX-Part-11-Replacing NSX default SSL Certficates with CA Signed Certificates

I am a big advocate of not using the default SSL certs on any VMware products and I prefer using Signed certs from my CA server on my lab components. I have my CA server running in Windows Server 2012.

Earlier in my lab I had replaced the vSphere (Esxi + vCenter) SSL certs and if you want to know how to do it, you can read them from below links:

1: Replacing Esxi SSL Certificates

2: Replacing vCenter Server SSL Certs

If you are like me and new to replacing SSL certs and looking for how to setup a CA server, you can read it from Here for a step by step installation/configuration of CA server.

1: Introduction to VMware NSX

2: Installing and Configuring NSX Manager

3: Deploying NSX Controllers

4: Preparing Esxi Hosts and Cluster

5: Configure VXLAN on the ESXi Hosts

6: Logical Switching

7: Distributed Logical Router Tidbits

8: Installing Distributed Logical Router

9: NSX Edge Services Gateway

10: Upgrade NSX Manager From 6.2 to 6.2.4

All right lets dive into lab and look into how to replace the default SSL certs of VMware NSX.… Read More

Learning NSX-Part-10-Upgrade NSX Manager From 6.2 to 6.2.4

This week I was trying my hands on upgrading NSX to version 6.2.4 which was released earlier this year in August.

I had no experience earlier with upgrading NSX manager and associated components, so I spent a lot of time in reading blogs and watching videos on how to perform the upgrade.

Before starting with upgrade process please consult the NSX 6.2.4 Release Notes and also follow VMware KB-2144295 which explains recommended minimum versions for VMware NSX for vSphere, ESXi, vCenter Server and Guest Introspection Driver (GID).

To keep track of latest versions you can use vTracker or the Latest Versions page hosted on www.virten.net

You can follow the below upgrade matrix to find out the upgrade path available in your environment.

While going through the blogs on how to start upgrading NSX to 6.2.4, I came across screenshot of a cool table which Anthony has posted on his Blog.… Read More

vExpert 2017 Applications are Now Open

Good news for fellow vExperts. Application for vExpert 2017 program is now open. Deadline to apply for the 2017 vExpert is 16th December 2016. The vExpert 2017 announcement will be on February 8th 2017. If you are a current vExpert then  you need to apply through the fastrack application only.

For those who are new to VMware technology and don’t know much about vExpert program, please read below about this

The VMware vExpert program is VMware’s global evangelism and advocacy program. The program is designed to put VMware’s marketing resources towards your advocacy efforts. Promotion of your articles, exposure at our global events, co-op advertising, traffic analysis, and early access to beta programs and VMware’s roadmap.

Basically its an Award or Honor given by VMware for your contribution towards VMware community. VMware believes in idea that don’t learn alone and help people in learning and growing with you.

Contributions towards VMware communities includes blogging about vSphere products, Publishing white paper’s.… Read More

Learning vSphere 6.5-Part-5-Installing vCenter Server on Windows

Till now in this series we have discussed a lot of theory about vCenter Server/VCSA, deployment type etc and also we looked into system requirements for vCenter Server and PSC installation. Now its lab time where we will see the installation/configuration of the components.

If you have missed earlier post of this series, you can read them from below links:

1: Installing and Configuring Esxi

2: VCSA Overview

3: vCenter Server and PSC Deployment Types

4: System Requirements for Installing vCenter Server

In my lab I am going to use an external SQL server database. My database version is SQL 2014.

1: Preparing vCenter Server Databases for Install

You can use following script to install the database and configure login,permission etc. This script will also configure the database schema for you


/ *** Create a SQL Server Database and User for vCenter Server *** /

use [master]
(NAME = ‘vcenter65’,
FILENAME = ‘C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL12.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATAvcenter65.mdf’,… Read More

Virtual Machine Reset By HA-VMware Tools Heartbeat failure

Today while investigating one production issue, I came across an incident where a virtual machine restart was performed by HA.

Navigating through task and events for the VM in vCenter, I was seeing message similar to

On investigating further, I came to find out that VMware tools running on VM was out of date.

I checked for HA settings related to VM monitoring on the cluster  and did not see any aggressive value set there which might have caused the vm restart. The VM monitoring settings were set at 30 secs for failure interval which means that if for continuous 30 seconds VM is unable to send any heartbeat to HA, a restart of VM will be performed.Read More

Learning vSphere 6.5-Part-4-System Requirements for Installing vCenter Server

In last post of this series we discussed about various deployment models available for deploying vCenter Server and PSC. In this post we will look into minimum system requirements  that must be met for installing windows based vcenter Server.

If you have missed earlier post of this series, you can read them from below links:

1: Installing and Configuring Esxi

2: VCSA Overview

3: vCenter Server and PSC Deployment Types

vCenter Server for Windows Requirements

To install vCenter Server on a windows, following hardware and software requirements must be met:

1: NTP ready environment : Clocks must be synchronized on the virtual machines where vCenter Server and PSC will be deployed. I previously wrote a blog on configuring Domain controller as NTP and you can read the article from here

2: Environment should be DNS Ready: Make sure you can successfully resolve hostnames of the servers. Also ensure Name to IP and IP to name resolution is happening fine for all the servers.… Read More

Learning vSphere 6.5-Part-3-vCenter Server and PSC Deployment Types

In last post of this series we had an overview of VCSA and touched a little bit on what are the new features that are included in VCSA v6.5.

In this post we will discuss about available deployment models for vcenter Server and VCSA.

If you have missed earlier post of this series, you can read them from here:

1: Installing and Configuring Esxi

2: VCSA Overview

Windows based vCenter Server or VCSA can be deployed either with an embedded PSC or an external PSC. You can also deploy a PSC as an appliance or install it on Windows. Depending on your infrastructure needs, it can be mix and match of both.

Before proceeding with installation of vCenter Server Appliance or vCenter Server for Windows, you must determine the deployment model that is suitable for your environment. The deployment types can be categorised in mainly 3 categories:

vCenter Server with an Embedded Platform Services Controller

This is a standalone deployment type that has its own vCenter Single Sign-On domain with a single site.… Read More