Quick Tip: Deploy VCF Management Domain with Single NSX-T Node

This article will show you how to set up a VCF Management domain with just one NSX-T manager. When there is a resource constraint, such as in a lab environment, this suggestion will be useful for lowering the management domain footprint.

The below steps outline the process of deploying an SDDC with one NSX-T node.

Step 1: Fill in all the parameters in the VCF configuration workbook spreadsheet.

Step 2: Transfer the spreadsheet to the cloud builder VM using WinSCP or a similar utility. 

Step 3: Use the following command to convert the spreadsheet to the json format

Where VCF-4.4.xlsx is the name of my spreadsheet. Change the name of the file to reflect your environment.

The resulting json is saved in directory /opt/vmware/sddc-support/cloud_admin_tools/Resources/vcf-ems/ by the name vcf-ems.json

Step4: Edit the vcf-ems.json file and look for the section “nsxtSpec”

Originally this section will look like as shown below

Remove the nsxt02 and nsxt03 nodes from the json in this section. As illustrated below, the modified file should look like this.

Step 5: Transfer the modified json to the machine from where you can access the Cloud Builder UI.

Continue with the process by uploading the vcf-ems.json file instead of the spreadsheet on the Upload file page.

After the bringup is completed, the resulting SDDC will have a single NSX-T manager.

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