Unable to delete TKGm clusters in VCD

I encountered an issue while playing with Container Service Extension 3.1.1 in my lab where I was unable to construct TKGm clusters. During troubleshooting, I discovered that the Rights Bundle “cse:nativeCluster Entitlement” was missing certain critical rights that are newly added with CSE 3.1.1.

On attempting to delete the failed clusters, the clusters stuck in the state “DELETE:IN_PROGRESS”.

On attempting to delete the failed cluster via vcd-cli, the operation failed with the error “RDE_ENTITY_NOT_RESOLVED

Further investigation revealed that the stuck clusters can only be removed via API. The instructions below demonstrate how to delete stuck clusters.

Step 1: Find Cluster ID

Make a note of the field ‘Id’ in the output. That is the cluster id.

Alternatively, Cluster-ID can be fetched from VCD UI by clicking on the stuck cluster and taking a note of the urn.

Step 2: Set the Stuck Cluster Status to Resolve

Step 3: Delete Stuck Cluster

When you refresh the VCD UI, the stuck cluster will be gone.

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