Troubleshooting Failed Org Network Creation in vCloud Director

Today while working in my lab, I observed that while creating a new VDC in vCD was failing because org network failed to create.

On navigating to Org VDC list and clicking on error, it read the error load and clear that org vdc network can’t be created.


On navigating to Org VDC Networks section and clicking on error, I was able to identify what has caused the network creation failure.


The error stack was reading as below:

From above it was clear that there were some issues with Segment ID settings in NSX and when I verified my settings, i found segment ID was configured while I had prepared my cluster.


The last line of error stack was complaining about “Multicast Address Pool” and when I checked this setting, I found I have not configured any multicast pool under segment-id


After doing a bit more research on this  on google, I went ahead and added a Multicast IP range to segment id.


I deleted my old failed VDC and created a new one and this time it got created without any further issues.


Everything was looking green now.


Similar issue has been explained in VMware KB-2081294 and a good discussion topic on VMTN.

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