What is NIC Teaming and why you need it?
Uplinks is what provides connectivity between a vSwitch and a physical switch. This uplinks passes all the traffic generated by virtual machines or the vmkernel adapters.
But what happens when that physical network adapter fails, when the cable connecting that uplink to the physical network fails, or the upstream physical switch to which that uplink is connected fails? With a single uplink, network connectivity to the entire vSwitch and all of its ports or port groups is lost. This is where NIC teaming comes in.
NIC teaming means that we are taking multiple physical NICs on a given ESXi host and combining them into a single logical link that provides bandwidth aggregation and redundancy to a vSwitch. NIC teaming can be used to distribute load among the available uplinks of the team.
Below diagram illustrates vSwitch connectivity to physical world using 2 uplinks.… Read More