Certificate Manager for vCenter Server Appliance 5.5

This Fling is a GUI application to replace digital certificates on the vCenter Server Appliance.  Easily deploy by selecting the components that need digital certificates replaced. This Fling works with vCenter Server Appliance 5.5.

The GUI wizard-based tool helps you by:

  • Replacing certificates for vCenter Server, Inventory Service, Log Browzer, and Auto Deploy
  • Providing Single-Sign On (SSO) that uses the same certificate as the vCenter Server certificate
  • Collecting backups of previously deployed certificates and associated files
  • Providing tool level logging

This fling can be downloaded from Here


System Requirements

  • vCenter Server Appliance 5.5
  • Windows OS with Java SE Runtime Environment 8

Instructions for Installing the fling

  • Make sure sshd service is running on vCSA
  • Run this command on vCSA to get the lookup URL: cat /etc/vmware-sso/ls_url.txt
  • On a Windows machine, make sure the  JRE_HOME system variable is set to the Java SE Runtime Environment 8
  • Do NOT place the certificate chain file, key and pfx of various component, on the same directory in file system

Previously deployed certificate files are copied with the old_rui prefix. Logs are available in the user home directory.


  1. Launch the certmgr.jar
  2. Select the components whose certificates need to be replaced
  3. Provide the credentials of root user in vCSA
  4. Provide the credentials for vCenter Single-Sign On. In IP/Hostname field, use FQDN if lookup service url is using FQDN or vice-versa. User Name should be the system tenant (Administrator@vsphere.local) only
  5. Drag and drop certificate chain file, and the key and pfx from file system to their respective text fields
  6. Click on the Start button and wait until the Run Complete message appears
  7. Click on Logs to determine whether certificate replacement was success/fail

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