Error Publishing TMC Self-Managed to Tenants in VCD

Welcome to yet another troubleshooting post for tmc self-managed operation in VCD. In the last post, I discussed the tmc self-managed deployment issue and how I fixed it. In this post, I will discuss another issue that I encountered with the solution. 

After successfully deploying TMC Self-Managed, you must publish the solution to tenants so that they can attach their TKG clusters to TMC. When the publishing operation is performed, the TMC Self-Managed Add-On solution creates a temporary VM known as the solution agent vm, which is subsequently destroyed once the task is complete.

In my lab, the publishing task was completed for a couple of tenants and later when I tried publishing it to another tenant, the task got stuck (VCD was acting cranky at that time).

This behavior is encountered when the solutions process in the VCD cell gets killed or there is network interruption between the cell and the VCD public address during the operation execution.

Once again I have to reach out to Engineering for assistance in troubleshooting this issue. Here are the steps that I followed:

Disclaimer: Before running the below commands in a production environment, consult the GSS team.

1: Obtain VCD Auth Token

2: Fetch TMC-SM Solution Add-On Instance UUID

This API call returns a list of all solution add-ons installed in the VCD environment. Locate the UUID of the tmc self-managed solution from the response output.

3: Update the ACL of the entity with the VCD System Admin user

4: Get the Solution Add-On Instance with its encryption key. 

In the response output of the above API call, ensure that the encryptionKey is not “******” but has actual value.

4: Update the payload with entity status: “READY” and patch.

In the Response Output of the above API call, you will see the tmc-sm add-on status as PENDING. Change this to READY and use the API to change the status. You need the full json that you obtained in response output.

And that’s it for this post. 

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