Upgrading vROPs Tenant App for VCD via CLI

In this post I will walk through how to upgrade vROPs Tenant App for Cloud Director via CLI.

Although upgrade can be performed directly from TA vami interface by logging in to https://<vrops-ta-fqdn>:5480/, but having knowledge of CLI is important specially when you are looking for automating the upgrade.

Note: Vami credentials of vROPs TA defaults to root/vmware.

Below are high level steps of upgrading the TA appliance via CLI.

Note: I have tested below steps to upgrade Tenant App from v2.3 to 2.4

Step 1: Enable SSH on TA: Login to TA appliance via vCenter console (credentials: root/vmware) and enable ssh by typing below commands:

# systemctl start sshd

# systemctl enable sshd

Step 2: Download TA Upgrade Package: Upgrade package for appliance can be downloaded from VMware Market Place under Resources tab.

Extract the downloaded iso. We need to upload the content of iso on TA in next step

Step 3: Create Upgrade Repo on TA appliance: Connect to TA appliance over ssh and run following command:

# mkdir -p /data/repo

# chmod 755 -R repo/

Now upload the extracted content in /data/repo directory via winscp or similar utility.

Step 4: Set Upgrade Repo and Perform Upgrade: Commands to set repo and kick upgrade are below:

4a: Verify current version of appliance.

4b: Set Upgrade Repo

4c: Check for updates

4d: Initiate Upgrade

Upgrade task roughly takes 5-7 minutes. Once the task completes, reboot the appliance.

Post Upgrade Task

After appliance is upgraded, root login gets disabled. This can be enabled by setting PermitRootLogin to yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. You need to perform this task via vCenter console. 

Restart sshd service (systemctl restart sshd) post modifying the config file.

Also verify that appliance has been upgraded to target version

And that’s it for this post. 

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