VCD Object Storage Extension-Part 5: OSE Installation & Cloudian Integration

In the last post of this series, I discussed configuring Cloudian so that we can enable its integration with vMware Cloud Director.

In this post, I will walk through the steps of installing and configuring OSE and its integration with Cloudian.

If you have landed directly on this post by mistake, I would recommend reading previous articles from this series:

1: Introduction & Architecture of VCD OSE

2: Infrastructure Preparation

3: Installing Cloudian Hyperstore

4: Configuring Cloudian for VCD Integration

Installation Requirements

1a: OS Requirements: VCD OSE is shipped as an RPM package and can be installed on the OSE supported version of the Linux distribution. The following Linux OS are supported:

  • CentOS 7/7
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
  • Oracle Linux 7

Also, OSE needs Java 1.8 installed on the machine where OSE rpm will be installed.

1b: Hardware Requirements: OSE is deployed in three form factors. Small, medium, and large. In small form factor, the OSE server needs:

  • 4 vCPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 120 GB Disk space

For medium and large deployment requirements, please refer to the OSE Documentation 

1c: Database Requirements: VCD OSE supports Postgresql 10.x version. If your vCD installation is backed by Postgres 10 DB, you can leverage the same DB or have a dedicated instance just for OSE.

The current version of VCD OSE  is 1.5 and can be downloaded from here

Once you have obtained the installer rpm, upload it to the OSE server via WinSCP or a similar utility.

1d: Network Port Requirements: Please refer to the official documentation for this.

OSE Installation Workflow

The below image, taken from the OSE product documentation, shows the high-level workflow for installing and configuring VCD OSE.

2a: Install Postgres 10 Database

2b: Configure Postgres DB

2c: Create OSE Database And User

# su – postgres

-bash-4.2$ psql

2d: Install OSE Binary

OSE Configuration Steps

3a: Accept EULA: Accept the OSE license agreement by running the command: ose

3b: Generate self-signed certificates for OSE

# ose cert gen –cn <ose-fqdn> –secret <secret>

3c: Configure Database Connection

# ose db set –url=jdbc:postgresql://<db-name> –user=<db-user> –secret=<db-passwd>

Note: We have defined dbname, dbuser, and dbpassword in step 2c

3d: Configure VCD Connection

# ose director set –url=https://<vcd-fqdn>/ –user=<vcd-admin@system> –secret=<vcd-admin-passwd>

3e: Install the VCD OSE UI Plug-in

# ose ui install –ose-url https://<ose-fqdn>:443/

Integrate OSE with Cloudian Hyperstore

4a: Start the VCD OSE Keeper service.

4b: Configure Cloudian Admin Service API Endpoint

# ose cloudian admin set –url=https://<cloudian-fqdn>:19443 –user=sysadmin –secret=public –force=true

4c: Configure Cloudian HyperStore S3 Service Endpoint

# ose cloudian s3 set –url=https://<cloudian-ip>:443

4d: Configure Cloudian HyperStore IAM Service Endpoint

# ose cloudian iam set –url=http://<cloudian-fqdn>:16080

4e: Configure Cloudian Management Console Endpoint

# ose cloudian console set –url=https://<cloudian-fqdn>:8443 –user=admin –secret=<admin-password>

4f: Enable Cloudian Platform

# ose platforms enable cloudian

4g: Validate VCD OSE Configuration

# ose config validate

4h: Restart OSE Keeper Service

# systemctl restart voss-keeper

With this, we have finished installing, configuring, and integrating VCD OSE with VCD and Cloudian.

In the next post of this series, I will walk through the OSE configuration steps that need to be done by CSPs and tenants.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Feel free to share this on social media if it is worth sharing 🙂

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