Dealing With MyVMware Credentials shenanigan in VCF

Recently while working in my lab, I deployed a proxy server and configured my SDDC Manager to use that proxy server to talk to internet.

SDDC Manager was happily talking to internet, but when I tried configuring MYVMware credentials to download product binaries, operation was failing with error “Updating depot user credentials failed”

Tried configuring credential via API (as UI sometime acts weird), but operation failed again. 

curl http://localhost/lcm/depot/user -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -X PUT -d ‘{“userId”:””, “password”:”<PASSWORD>”}’

and got error 500 in response

On further investigation I found that the issue was with proxy server itself as it was not trusting certificate returned by  and thus causing lcm-bundle-transfer to fail.

Google search returned nothing for this issue and I had to reach out to VCF engineering team. Issue was fixed by adding a parameter lcm.depot.adapter.certificateCheckEnabled in /opt/vmware/vcf/lcm/lcm-app/conf/ file.

And that’s it for this post.

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