Troubleshooting NSX Host Preparation Error “Agency Already Exist For Cluster”

Yesterday while setting up my lab for NSX-V deployment, I encountered an issue with host preparation and it failed with error “Agency 3d62d2da-5e93-4f57-a87c-063a7af3be28 already exist for cluster Mgmt-Cluster. Delete this agency from EAM database

I past I had NSX-V configured in my cluster and sometimes back I uninstalled NSX-V components and was playing with NSX-T and later uninstalled NSX-T as well. I guess the uninstall was not clean and left behind lingering item in EAM database.

To verify this I navigated to Administration > vCenter Server Extensions > vSphere ESX Agent Manager > Configure tab and can see the dirty agency related to NSX fabric there. Error message was loud and clear that host needs to be put in maintenance mode to complete the VIB installation.

I checked presence of NSX VIB on host and found it was there already (from old installation)

[root@mgmt-esxi03:~] esxcli software vib list | grep nsx
esx-nsxv 6.5.0-0.0.11070622 VMware VMwareCertified 2019-02-02

I tried deleteing the offending agency by clicking on the 3 dotted vertical line and selecting Delete Agency, but it did not helped me.

So I started putting host one by one in maintenance mode and immidiately I saw that a VIB has been removed from the host. Once this was done, I kicked NSX installation on cluster and it was successful.

Also the agency state reported as enabled and status as normal.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Feel free to share this on social media if it is worth sharing 🙂


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