vCloud Availability for vCloud Director: Part 10: Integrating VCAV With Deployed Components

Now we have deployed all components needed to form VCAV stack. Its time to integrate all of them with VCAV. Let’s start.

At this point of time I am assuming that you have already declared following variables as per your environment

Configure vSphere Replication Manager

1: Configure VRMS appliance

# vcav hms configure –hms-address=$HMS01_ADDRESS –vsphere-address=$VSPHERE01_ADDRESS –vsphere-user=$SSO_USER –vsphere-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –sso-user=$SSO_USER –sso-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso

2: Verify that the hms service starts successfully.

# vcav hms wait-for-extension –hms-address=$HMS01_ADDRESS –vsphere-address=$VSPHERE01_ADDRESS –vsphere-user=$SSO_USER –vsphere-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –sso-user=$SSO_USER –sso-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso

Configure Cassandra Servers

1: Create a password file for the Cassandra host root user in /.ssh/cassandra.root.password.

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# echo ‘vmware’ > ~/.ssh/cassandra.root.password

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav trust add-ssh –address=$CASSANDRA_ADDRESS –root-password-file=~/.ssh/cassandra.root.password –accept-all

WARNING – Trusting 65:1a:e8:f1:ae:2e:40:79:2b:a0:73:f6:9c:b0:3d:72 for mgmt-cass-b.alex.local

2: Create a trusted connection between the vCloud Availability Installer Appliance and Cassandra hosts.

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav cassandra import-hcs-certificate –cassandra-address=$CASSANDRA_ADDRESS –hcs-address=$HCS01_ADDRESS

Note: If on running above command you get error message “ERROR – Unable to SSH to ‘Your-vRCS-Node’ then run below command

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# cat .ssh/ | ssh root@mgmt-vrcs01 ‘cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys’

3: Add the vSphere Replication Cloud Service certificate to the Cassandra truststore, so that the Cassandra host accepts SSL connections from the vSphere Replication Cloud Service. 

Note: Run the following command for every Cassandra server and every vRCS appliance

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav cassandra register –hcs-address=$HCS01_ADDRESS –cassandra-address=$CASSANDRA_ADDRESS –cassandra-port=9042 –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –sso-user=$SSO_USER –sso-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso

Registered Cassandra certificate: E7:C0:1C:15:E9:3B:EE:A9:BF:F1:EE:9E:53:F7:34:A5:BA:99:82:A6

4: Register the Cassandra hosts with the lookup service.

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav hcs configure –hcs-address=$HCS01_ADDRESS –amqp-password-file=~/.ssh/.amqp –cassandra-replication-factor=1 –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –sso-user=$SSO_USER –sso-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso

Configure vSphere Replication Cloud Service

1: Configure the vSphere Replication Cloud Service Appliance.

Note: The cassandra-replication-factor argument in the following command refers to the number of nodes in your cassandra cluster

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav hcs configure –hcs-address=$HCS01_ADDRESS –amqp-password-file=~/.ssh/.amqp –cassandra-replication-factor=1 –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –sso-user=$SSO_USER –sso-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso

2: Run the following command to verify that the hcs service starts successfully.

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav hcs wait-for-extension –hcs-address=$HCS01_ADDRESS –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –sso-user=$SSO_USER –sso-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso 

Configure vSphere Replication Server

1: Configure vSphere Replication Server

vcav hbr configure –hbr-address=$HBR_ADDRESS –vsphere-address=$VSPHERE01_ADDRESS –vsphere-user=$SSO_USER –vsphere-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd

2: Verify that the hbr service starts successfully.

vcav hbr wait-for-extension –hbr-address=$HBR_ADDRESS –vsphere-address=$VSPHERE01_ADDRESS –vsphere-user=$SSO_USER –vsphere-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd

Configure vCAV Portal Host

# vcav vcd-ui configure –ui-address=$UI01_ADDRESS –keep-self-signed-certificate –truststore-password-file=~/.ssh/.truststore –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –sso-user=$SSO_USER –sso-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso

There are few tweaks recommended by VMware and is documented here. Use them if its suits your requirement. For lab purpose you can skip the mentioned tweaks.

Configure vCAV Administration Portal Host

# vcav vcd-ui configure-smp –ui-address=$UI02_ADDRESS –keep-self-signed-certificate –truststore-password-file=~/.ssh/.truststore –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –sso-user=$SSO_USER –sso-password-file=~/.ssh/.sso –mongodb-password-file=~/.ssh/.root –amqp-user=$AMQP_USER –amqp-password-file=~/.ssh/.amqp –tenant-ui-url=https://vcav-ui01.alex.local:8443 –max-jvm-memory=1024

You can now login to Admin Portal by typing https://vcav-ui02-fqdn:8443 and using admin/your-pwd 

From this portal you can get complete overview of all DR related activities. I have not configured any tenant yet so its showing empty for me.

Tenants login to vCAV Portal host using their credentials. 

Post-Installation vCD Configuration

Before tenants can start replicating their workloads in vCD, we need to enable the tenant org for replication. Use below commands to do so.

1: Assign vSphere Replication Cloud Service Rights to the vCD Org Admin Role

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav hcs add-rights-to-role –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd “–role=Organization Administrator” –org=*

2: Fetch org Details 

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav org list –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd

3: Fetch Org-vDC details 

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav org-vdc list –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –org=vStellar-Service

4: Enable vDC for Replication

root@mgmt-vcav [ ~ ]# vcav org-vdc enable-replication –vcd-address=$VCD_ADDRESS1 –vcd-user=$VCD_USER –vcd-password-file=~/.ssh/.vcd –org=vStellar-Service –vdc=Service-vDC

With this we have now finished the service provider side installation.

For tenant installation please refer to this article

And that’s it for this post.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Feel free to share this on social media if it is worth sharing. Be sociable 

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