vCloud Director 9.0 Single Cell Installation

vCD 9.0 was announced yesterday and in my last post I touch based on some of the new features that are included in this new release. In this post we will see how to install and configure vCD 9.0.

vCloud Director Hardware and Software Requirements

Before starting with vCloud director 9.0 installation, please make sure all hardware and software requirements are met. Instructions are laid out here

Installing and Configuring a vCloud Director Database

In my lab I am using MSSQL for vCD database. Although I wanted to try the installation with Postgres database, but I refrained myself from doing so as I wanted to test cell management utility for migrating vCD database from MSSQL to Postgres later.

Below script will be used in configuring the database. You have to make minor changes in the script to setup according to your infrastructure

Next is to deploy a CentOS v6 or RHEL 6 server on which we will install the vCloud director binary file. Also make sure following rpms are installed on the centos/rhel server prior to installing vCD.

Create SSL Certificates

Each vCloud Director server must support two different SSL endpoints. These endpoints can be separate IP address, or a single IP address with two different ports. Each endpoint requires its own SSL certificate. Certificates for both endpoints must include an X.500 distinguished name. vCloud Director does not require certificates to include a Subject Alternative Name.

In my lab I am using self-signed certificates as of now.  To create certs using keytool command, ensure JRE version 7 is installed on the node where you are trying to generate certs.Use following commands to create certs for http and console proxy service.

http cert

Console Proxy Certs

List generated certificates

List the presence of vcd-cert.ks file by typing ls -l command. This file should be owned by user vcloud:vcloud.

As of now this user does not exists in system because we have not installed the vCD binary file yet. Post installing the binary file, we will not invoke configuration script immidiately. We will first change the ownership of the cert file and then invoke the config script.

Now we will proceed with installing the vcd binary file. Before starting installation we have to give execute permission to vcloud installer file otherwise installation wont start

This will trigger the installation. Remember to not to invoke configuration script as of now

vCloud installation will create a user named vcloud and also a directory (/opt/vmware/vcloud-director) will be created. Change the ownership of vcd-cert.ks file to vcloud:vcloud and move this file to /opt/vmware/vcloud-director

Now its time to invoke the configuration script. Run this command to do so: /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/configure

With that installation of vCD is completed. We will now configure some basic stuffs.

Login to vCD by typing URL: https://vCD-FQDN or IP

Accept EULA and hit Next.

Apply vCD license and hit Next

Create a user for vCD administration and hit Next.

Provide a name by which this cell will be identified in a multi-cell environment and hit Next.

Review settings and hit finish.

We have now completed the basic configuration. In next post of this series we will cover how to attach vCenter and NSX manager to vCD and perfrom next steps regarding Org and vDC creation etc.

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