Unable to start vApp-Invalid vApp properties:Invalid property value size

I recently deployed vSphere replication appliance in vCloud Director and while powering it on I was facing one error

Unable to start vAPP- Invalid vApp properties:Invalid property value size

Due to this power on operation on vApp was failing time and again.

I checked the vCD logs and did not found any error messages for my vApp. All I got was few debug messages:

This issue generally occurs when you are deploying pre-built ovf templates like vCAC appliance or vSphere Replication appliance or appliance from any other vendors in vCD.

The reason of this error is there are some configurable parameters associated with vApps which needs a value before you attempt to power-on a VM. These parameters can be found on guest os properties as shown below:

In my case password field was left blank which was preventing the vApp from getting powered on. Once I supplied the password, the vApp booted up without any further issues.

If you have vCD in your environment or if you are running your VM’s in vCloud Air and face the same issue, try following steps:

Check the properties of each VM in the vApp. When appliances are deployed in vCloud Director you will need to fill in the guest properties prior to starting the vApp/VM. If required properties are missing in order to configure the VM, the start up process will fail due to null values.

  1. Right-click the VM and click Properties.
  2. Click the “Guest Properties” tab.
  3. Enter the property requirements for each appliance and click OK.

Once you complete the steps that are highlighted in red for each appliance the vApp should start.

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