Redeploy NSX Edge Gateway Using Rest API

In this post I will demonstrate how to redeploy edge gateway in vCloud Director using Rest API

Disclaimer: This is not any fancy post and I am going to perform very simple task here. Most of you may be already aware of this. This post is for those who are new to API and also a reference post for me for future.

Lets get started.

We have to follow below steps for redeploying an edge gateway using API calls

Step 1: Generate Auth Token

# curl -sik -H “Accept:application/*+xml;version=5.6” -u “admin@system” -X POST https://vcd-b.alex.local/api/sessions | grep auth
Enter host password for user ‘admin@system’:

x-vcloud-authorization: 3fc8a5425f804c9d94eeff04e0272ed7

Step 2: Get Org UUID

# curl -sik -H “Accept:application/*+xml;version=5.6” -H “x-vcloud-authorization:3fc8a5425f804c9d94eeff04e0272ed7” -X GET https://vcd-a.alex.local/api/org/

Step 3: Get vDC UUID

# curl -sik -H “Accept:application/*+xml;version=5.6” -H “x-vcloud-authorization:3fc8a5425f804c9d94eeff04e0272ed7” -X GET https://vcd-a.alex.local/api/org/58d92de4-4aa5-4a14-9b39-28e1de5e9809 | grep vdc

Step 4: Get Edge Gateway UUID

# curl -sik -H “Accept:application/*+xml;version=5.6” -H “x-vcloud-authorization:3fc8a5425f804c9d94eeff04e0272ed7” -X GET https://vcd-a.alex.local/api/vdc/1c32832c-e4db-48b0-9cfc-116fbb302625 | grep edgeGateways

Step 5: Get Edge Gateway UUID

# curl -sik -H “Accept:application/*+xml;version=5.6” -H “x-vcloud-authorization:3fc8a5425f804c9d94eeff04e0272ed7” -X GET https://vcd-a.alex.local/api/admin/vdc/1c32832c-e4db-48b0-9cfc-116fbb302625/edgeGateways | grep GW_Name

Step 6: Redeploy Edge Gateway

# curl -sik -H “Accept:application/*+xml;version=5.6” -H “x-vcloud-authorization:3fc8a5425f804c9d94eeff04e0272ed7” -X POST

And that’s it. If you have access to vCenter Server, you can watch sequence of events happening there

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