Installing RabbitMQ for vCloud Director

In this post, I will demonstrate how to install RMQ for vCloud Director. Before jumping into any lab activity, let’s learn first what is RabbitMQ and why we need it.

What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ is an open-source message-queuing software that helps facilitate message exchange between 2 or more applications. The exchange of messages is done via a queue which is defined by the administrator. An application can publish a message to the queue which can be retrieved or consumed by a different application.

A message can include any kind of information for example, it could have information about a process/task that should start on another application may be on another server or it could be just a simple text message.

The queue-manager software stores the messages until a receiving application connects and takes a message off the queue. The receiving application then appropriately processes the message.

How does it work?

RabbitMQ works by offering an interface, that connects message senders (Publishers) with receivers (Consumers) through an exchange (Broker) which distributes the data to relevant lists (Message Queues).

To learn more about RMQ please read these Tutorials from RabbitMQ’s official website.

Why do we need RMQ for VCD?

When you have a multi-cell VCD deployment in your environment, the VCD cells talk to each other and exchange information. This exchange of information is facilitated via RabbitMQ.

RabbitMQ and vCloud director utilize the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) to talk to each other.

When a vCloud Director Cell wishes to exchange messages (such as system notifications or any other update) with another vCloud Director cell, it places that message within an AMQP broker (Such as RMQ) in one of the queues defined by the Administrator. The recipient vCloud Director Cell then retrieves the message from the queue and processes it and if needed it can publish a message back to the queue for the source cell from where the message originated.

Lab Setup

In my Lab, I have deployed 2 RMQ nodes (for clustering purposes):

  • Node-1 Hostname/IP: rmqsrv01.alex.local/
  • Node-1 Hostname/IP: rmqsrv02.alex.local/

Each node is deployed with the following hardware specifications: 

  • Memory: 2 GB
  • CPU: 1 vCPU  with 1.6 GHz speed
  • HDD: 25 GB
  • O.S: RHEL 6.6 x86_64 Arch

Both nodes can ping each other via FQDN (resolved by my DNS server) and both node is connected to the Internet. Also, both node is configured with local yum repository which I already have in my lab for deploying packages.

Both RMQ nodes are synching their time from my NTP server.

Install RMQ for vCD

Please follow the below steps for installing and configuring RMQ nodes:

Step 1) Configure the Epel repository

This will automatically configure the epel yum repository.

Step 2) Install Erlang

RMQ requires the Erlang package to run. Erlang is a programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems with requirements of high availability.
With Erlang, you could build a messaging app with many connected users and not worry about how they communicate. Erlang was developed by Swedish telecom giant Ericsson over 25 years ago and nowadays it is being used with messaging apps like WhatsApp and TigerText.

Erland can be installed via the erlang-solution package which configures the yum repository for supported RPMs needed for installing RMQ. 

Alternatively, you can create a repo file for Erlang with the below contents:

Now if run the command “yum repolist“, you should be able to see the Erlang repository populated with packages

Step 3) Download and install the RabbitMQ server RPM

The latest version of the RMQ server can be downloaded from Here

Step 4) Start the RMQ server and configure the service to start automatically at boot time

Step 5) Verify RMQ service status

Step 6)  Enable the Management Console

RabbitMQ Management Console is one of the available plugins that lets you monitor the [RabbitMQ] server process through a web-based graphical user interface (GUI). The management console can be enabled by typing the below command:

Now you can access your RMQ server GUI by typing http://rmq_fqdn:15672

The default username/password is guest guest.

Step 7) Changing default admin user (For security hardening)

By default, the admin user for RMQ installation is guest/guest. You can change the default administrator account by using the below commands

Now you can logout the guest user and try logging in via the new admin user

You will see the following console where you can define things like queue, routing keys, binding, etc.


In the next post, we will learn about setting up an RMQ cluster for high availability.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Feel free to share this on social media if it is worth sharing. 

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