Virtual Machine Reset By HA-VMware Tools Heartbeat failure

Today while investigating one production issue, I came across an incident where a virtual machine restart was performed by HA.

Navigating through task and events for the VM in vCenter, I was seeing message similar to

On investigating further, I came to find out that VMware tools running on VM was out of date.

I checked for HA settings related to VM monitoring on the cluster  and did not see any aggressive value set there which might have caused the vm restart. The VM monitoring settings were set at 30 secs for failure interval which means that if for continuous 30 seconds VM is unable to send any heartbeat to HA, a restart of VM will be performed.

Keep in mind that this is not related to host failure where all VM running on failed host is restarted on remaining nodes of the cluster. In case of single VM failure, HA will restart the VM on same host.

I started my investigation with checking hostd.log file of the Esxi host where VM was running and observed following messages which hints on VM restart

Next was to check vmware.log for VM XYZ. I observed following log entries for VM reset

On digging vmware.log more, I found the messages regarding VMware tools version out of date

Also found VMware tools heartbeat timing out which eventually forced HA to reset the VM

From the above logs it was evident that vmware tools were unable to send heartbeat to HA and which caused HA to perform a VM reset.

VMware KB-1027734 was very helpful to me in carrying out my investigation.

Conclusion: From the above I can conclude that Vmware tools update is needed on the VM so that HA should not try to reset VM again.

I hope this post is informational to you. Feel free to share this on social media if it is worth sharing. Be sociable

One thought on “Virtual Machine Reset By HA-VMware Tools Heartbeat failure

  1. As I know, the ESXi performs other checks in case of Tools heartbeat time out. For example checks the disk IO.

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